Over the years I have built a lot of websites, a lot of them surprisingly enough is with Joomla. Exact numbers, I am not sure of as I type this article but I know it is more than 15 a year. None the less the one thing that constantly surprises me is the amount of people, articles and forum posts asking about how to move a joomla based website. Granted a lot of these are now dating back 6 years but they are still relivent today.
Over the past couple of years especially there has been significant increases in improvements to technology within the website sphere. These changes have been a positive for both developers and end users. For end users it is now becoming easier and easier for them to build their own websites, at the same token it is becoming easier for developers to build plugins and designs with some cool effects thanks to the implementation of HTML 5 and CSS.
Have you seen a lot of websites now saying that it will work on mobile phones and tablets as well as on your desktop computer? Well if you haven't you will be surprised that a lot of businesses are going through and getting their website made in a way that it will work on every common platform available.
As a Joomla developer or even as a owner of a Joomla website one thing that you may have come across is the ability to make changes and perform functions which you feel should be fairly straight forward. The unfortunate fact is that if you do not have much knowledge or experience with Joomla you may find yourself in a world of hurt.Do not panic though you are not the only ones that have faced this problem.
Joomla 1.5.x range is coming to end of life in Joomla's eyes and this is a great milestone in regards to the ongoing development and life of Joomla as a Content Management System. There is alot of people that have used Joomla 1.5.x over the last few years and this means that there are alot of people who are going to be looking for a guide / solution to migrating to Joomla 2.5.1. I have gone through and compiled a general overview which will enable users and site owners of Joomla 1.5.x based websites to take their sites to the latest versions. This document is not going to be the most user friendly but at the end of the day this is designed to be a overview not a step by step instruction manual. The process of completing an upgrade to the latest version should take approximately 8 hours depending on what 3rd party extensions and modifications you have got done to your site.
Over the last couple of weeks I have been getting asked for a good Joomla tutorial guide. While I have had to sadly turn people away with no real definitive solution or place to go to I have done some research and found a great product which as the title suggests “Joomla Made Easy” does make Joomla easy. This complete guide comes with not only a great step by step guide on how to install, configure and use Joomla but it also comes with Joomla templates, addon modules and guides on how to create membership sites.
For those of you who use Joomla regularly to develop your website you may not have realised this but each install you do has one common element with almost every other Joomla installation out there on the internet. Now for some of you reading this you are probably thinking “oh sure… whatever… you are definitly smoking alot of heavy drugs…” or “What are you on about?!?!?”… Sure there are alot of common elements between each joomla install that you make and after building a few Joomla sites you have a series of steps you take each time you install the software on your new site(s). Here is a couple of basic things that you should do to secure your installation of Joomla. This information I have colated after about 4 years of using Joomla right from version 1.0.9.
Have you been spending hours looking for that right joomla template? Have you had a few joomla templates in the past or are sick of being stuff with the default ones that are supplied with Joomla when you download it? The good news is that you are probably not the only person who has had this issue. Infact up until a couple of years ago there were millions of users out there with this very issue. Joomla templating can be very difficult and time consuming even for the “experts in joomla”.
After getting a few reports from one of my long term customers about their customers having troubles downloading files (different ones) I decided to see if this was a common issue or not. It so happens that a lot of people have had this issue with Joomla 1.5.x and Virtuemart 1.1.x. So that you fully understand the issue I have attached a more detailed description below. This is an issue that can be fixed with 4 lines of code.