setQuery( $q ); if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) // V 1.2.4.m $tree[$shMosConfig_locale] = $db->loadObjectList( 'category_id', false); // V 1.2.4.m if Joomfish, and don't translate // use special call of loadObjectList, asking JF not to translate else $tree[$shMosConfig_locale] = $db->loadObjectList( 'category_id' ); } if ($sefConfig->shVMInsertCategories == 1) // only one category $title[] = ($sefConfig->shInsertCategoryId ? $tree[$shMosConfig_locale][ $category_id ]->category_id.$sefConfig->replacement : '') .$tree[$shMosConfig_locale][ $category_id ]->category_name; else { $securityCounter = 0; do { // all categories and subcategories. We don't really need id, as path $securityCounter++; $title[] = ($sefConfig->shInsertCategoryId ? $tree[$shMosConfig_locale][ $category_id ]->category_id.$sefConfig->replacement : '') // to category .$tree[$shMosConfig_locale][ $category_id ]->category_name; // will always be unique $category_id = $tree[$shMosConfig_locale][ $category_id ]->category_parent_id; } while( $category_id != 0 && $securityCounter < 10); if ($securityCounter >= 10) { JError::raiseError( 500, 'Unable to create SEF url for Virtuemart: could not find category with id : ' . $category_id); } } return array_reverse( $title ); } } if (!function_exists('vmSefGetProductName')) { // V 1.2.4.s function vmSefGetProductName( $productId, $option, $shLangName, $shLangIso) { if (empty($productId)) return null; global $sh_LANG; $sefConfig = & shRouter::shGetConfig(); // get DB $database =& JFactory::getDBO(); $q = "SELECT product_id, product_sku, product_name FROM #__vm_product"; // then try to add its name as well $q .= "\n WHERE product_id = ".$database->Quote( $productId); $database->setQuery( $q); if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) $row = $database->loadObject( false); else $row = $database->loadObject( ); if (empty( $row)) // non name available return $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_PRODUCT'].$sefConfig->replacement.$product_id; $shName = ''; if ($sefConfig->shInsertProductId) $shName .= $row->product_id; if ($sefConfig->shVmUseProductSKU ) $shName .= (empty($shName) ? '':$sefConfig->replacement).$row->product_sku; if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertProductName ) $shName .= (empty($shName) ? '':$sefConfig->replacement).$row->product_name; if (empty($shName)) $shName = $row->product_name; return $shName; } } shRemoveFromGETVarsList('option'); if (!empty($lang)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('lang'); if (!empty($Itemid)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('Itemid'); if (!empty($vmcchk)) // V 1.2.4.s shRemoveFromGETVarsList('vmcchk'); if (!empty($limit)) // V 1.2.4.t bug #167 shRemoveFromGETVarsList('limit'); if (isset($limitstart)) {// V 1.2.4.t bug #167 //if (!empty($limitstart)) // V x shRemoveFromGETVarsList('limitstart'); } else { // no limistart, insert one with value 0 // to counter VM session-based storage of limitstart $limitstart = 0; shAddToGETVarsList( 'limitstart', $limitstart); shRemoveFromGETVarsList('limitstart'); } // start VM specific stuff $shVmCChk = false; $page = isset($page) ? @$page : null; $task = isset($task) ? @$task : null; $Itemid = isset($Itemid) ? @$Itemid : null; if (!empty($page)) { shRemoveFromGETVarsList('page'); } if (empty($keyword)) // V 1.3.1 shRemoveFromGETVarsList('keyword'); if (empty($orderby)) // V 1.3.1 shRemoveFromGETVarsList('orderby'); if (!defined('VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELD') && file_exists(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH.'com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php')) { include_once(sh404SEF_ADMIN_ABS_PATH.'com_virtuemart/virtuemart.cfg.php'); $defaultOrderField = VM_BROWSE_ORDERBY_FIELD; } else $defaultOrderField = 'product_name'; if (!empty($orderby) && $orderby == $defaultOrderField) // V 1.3.1 shRemoveFromGETVarsList('orderby'); // shumisha : insert shop name from menu $shShopName = shGetComponentPrefix($option); $shShopName = empty($shShopName) ? getMenuTitle($option, (isset($task) ? @$task : null), null, null, $shLangName ) : $shShopName; $shShopName = $shShopName == '/' ? 'Shop':$shShopName; // V 1.2.4.t // special handling for 'vmcchk' cookie test // plus workaround to allow inclusion of /vmchk/ strings in search engines if (strpos( $string, 'vmcchk') !== false) {// if VM is doing a cookie check $shVmCChk = true; // this is a trick to counter a 'bug' in VM 1.0.10 when using SEF URL setcookie( 'VMCHECK', 'OK', time()+60*60, '/' ); } // special case : sometimes (all-in one module), VM insert 'category' (should be category_id) in url without any value switch ($page) { case 'shop.browse': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $shManufactureName = ''; // V 1.2.4.r if ( !empty ($manufacturer_id)) { $query = "SELECT mf_name, manufacturer_id FROM #__vm_manufacturer" ; $query .= "\n WHERE manufacturer_id=".$database->Quote($manufacturer_id); $database->setQuery( $query ); if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) // V 1.2.4.m $result = $database->loadObject(false); else $result = $database->loadObject(); $shRef = empty($result)? // no name available $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_MANUFACTURER'].$sefConfig->replacement.$manufacturer_id // put ID : ($sefConfig->shInsertManufacturerId ? $manufacturer_id.$sefConfig->replacement : ''); // if name, put ID only if requested $shManufactureName = $shRef.(empty( $result ) ? '' : $result->mf_name); } // V 1.2.4.r if ( $sefConfig->shVmInsertManufacturerName && !empty($shManufactureName)) { $title[] = $shManufactureName; $shManufactureName = ''; // don't put it twice } if (isset($manufacturer_id)) // V 1.2.4.m shRemoveFromGETVarsList('manufacturer_id'); // process $root if (!empty($root)) { // first insert root cat $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_ROOT_CAT'].$sefConfig->replacement.$root; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('root'); // then insert child cat (but only one cat, not full list of nested cats) $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_CATEGORY'].$sefConfig->replacement.$category_id; } else { // if no $root process categories as usual if (($sefConfig->shVMInsertCategories && !empty ($category_id)) || (!$sefConfig->shVMInsertCategories && !empty ($category_id) && empty ($product_id))) { $title = array_merge( $title, vm_sef_get_category_array( $database, $category_id, $option, $shLangName )); } else { // V 1.2.4.f : still need to add category id even if we don't want to add name!! if (!empty($category_id)) { $title = array_merge( $title, vm_sef_get_category_array( $database, $category_id, $option, $shLangName )); } } } // V 1.2.4.m if (isset($category_id)) { shRemoveFromGETVarsList('category_id'); } if (empty($product_id) && empty($product_type_id) && empty($category_id) && empty($manufacturer_id) && empty($Search) && empty($root)) { $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_LIST_ALL_SHOP_PRODUCTS']; } else { if (!empty($shManufactureName)) // V 1.2.4.r $title[] = $shManufactureName; if (!empty($Search)) { $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_SH_REGULAR_SEARCH']; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('Search'); } elseif ($sefConfig->shVmAdditionalText) // V 1.2.4.k additional text is now optional $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_LIST_ALL_PRODUCTS']; } // process filter hack $shFilterType = isset($shFilterType) ? @$shFilterType : null; $shFilterValue = isset($shFilterValue) ? @$shFilterValue : null; switch ($shFilterType) { case '': break; case 'minStock': $title[] = 'dispo'; if (!empty( $shFilterValue)) { $title[] = $shFilterValue; } shRemoveFromGETVarsList( 'shFilterType'); shRemoveFromGETVarsList( 'shFilterValue'); break; } if( @count($title) > 0 ) if (isset($sefConfig->suffix)) $title[count($title)-1] .= $sefConfig->suffix; else $title[] = '/'; else $dosef = false; break; case 'shop.downloads': // V 1.2.4.g 2007-04-07 if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) { $title[] = 'vmchk'; } $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_DOWNLOADS_TITLE']; $title[] = '/'; break; case 'shop.cart': if (!empty($func)) switch ($func){ case 'cartAdd': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_ADD']; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('func'); if (!empty($product_id)) { // if a product_id is set (it should!) $title[] = vmSefGetProductName( $product_id, $option, $shLangName, $shLangIso); } shRemoveFromGETVarsList('product_id'); break; case 'cartUpdate': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_UPDATE']; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('func'); if (!empty($product_id)) { // if a product_id is set (it should!) $title[] = vmSefGetProductName( $product_id, $option, $shLangName, $shLangIso); } shRemoveFromGETVarsList('product_id'); break; case 'cartdelete': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_DELETE']; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('func'); if (!empty($product_id)) { // if a product_id is set (it should!) $title[] = vmSefGetProductName( $product_id, $option, $shLangName, $shLangIso); } shRemoveFromGETVarsList('product_id'); break; } else { // only show cart, no function if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_CART_TITLE']; } if (count($title) == 0) $dosef = false; break; case 'shop.product_details': $q = "SELECT p.product_id, x.category_id FROM #__vm_product AS p LEFT JOIN #__vm_product_category_xref AS x ON (p.product_id = x.product_id OR (p.product_parent_id <> 0 AND p.product_parent_id=x.product_id))"; $q .= "\n WHERE p.product_id = %s"; if (SH_VM_ALLOW_PRODUCTS_IN_MULTIPLE_CATS && !empty( $category_id)) { $q .= " AND x.category_id=" . ((int)$category_id) . ';'; } $database->setQuery( sprintf( $q, $product_id ) ); if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) // V 1.2.4.m $rows = $database->loadObjectList( '', false); else $rows = $database->loadObjectList( ); if( @count( $rows ) > 0 ){ $row = $rows[0]; if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) { $title[] = 'vmchk'; } else { shMustCreatePageId( 'set', true); } if ( $sefConfig->shVmInsertManufacturerName && !empty($manufacturer_id)) { $query = "SELECT mf_name, manufacturer_id FROM #__vm_manufacturer" ; $query .= "\n WHERE manufacturer_id=".$database->Quote($manufacturer_id); $database->setQuery( $query ); if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) // V 1.2.4.m $result = $database->loadObject(false); else $result = $database->loadObject(); if (!empty($result)) { $title[] = ($sefConfig->shInsertManufacturerId ? $manufacturer_id.$sefConfig->replacement: '') .$result->mf_name; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('manufacturer_id'); } else { $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_MANUFACTURER'] // add its ID to URL .$sefConfig->replacement.$manufacturer_id; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('manufacturer_id'); } } else if ( $sefConfig->shVmInsertManufacturerName && !empty($product_id)) { $query = "SELECT m.mf_name, m.manufacturer_id FROM #__vm_manufacturer AS m" ; $query .= "\n LEFT JOIN #__vm_product_mf_xref AS x ON m.manufacturer_id = x.manufacturer_id"; $query .= "\n WHERE x.product_id=".$database->Quote($product_id); $database->setQuery( $query ); if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) // V 1.2.4.m $result = $database->loadObject(false); else $result = $database->loadObject(); if (!empty($result)) { $title[] = ($sefConfig->shInsertManufacturerId ? $result->manufacturer_id.$sefConfig->replacement: '') .$result->mf_name; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('manufacturer_id'); } else { if (isset($manufacturer_id)) { $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_MANUFACTURER'] // add its ID to URL .$sefConfig->replacement.$manufacturer_id; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('manufacturer_id'); } } } else { if (isset($manufacturer_id)) { shRemoveFromGETVarsList('manufacturer_id'); // this has to be manufacturer_id=0 } } if ($sefConfig->shVMInsertCategories) { $title = array_merge( $title, vm_sef_get_category_array( $database, $row->category_id, $option, $shLangName )); } if (isset($category_id)) // V 1.2.4.m shRemoveFromGETVarsList('category_id'); // $title[] = $sefConfig->shInsertProductId ? $product_id.$sefConfig->replacement.$row->$shProductName:$row->$shProductName; // V 1.2.4.s $title[] = vmSefGetProductName( $product_id, $option, $shLangName, $shLangIso); shRemoveFromGETVarsList('product_id'); // v 1.2.4.f : flypage param was not passed on // V 1.2.4.m : now can be switched on/off if (!empty($flypage) && $sefConfig->shVmInsertFlypage) { $title[] = empty($sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_DETAILS_'.$flypage]) ? $flypage : $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_DETAILS_'.$flypage]; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('flypage'); } else if (!empty($flypage)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('flypage'); // process filter hack $shFilterType = isset($shFilterType) ? @$shFilterType : null; $shFilterValue = isset($shFilterValue) ? @$shFilterValue : null; switch ($shFilterType) { case '': break; case 'minStock': $title[] = 'dispo'; if (!empty( $shFilterValue)) { $title[] = $shFilterValue; } shRemoveFromGETVarsList( 'shFilterType'); shRemoveFromGETVarsList( 'shFilterValue'); break; } } else $dosef = false; break; case '': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_SEARCH_TITLE']; if (count($title) == 0) $dosef = false; break; case 'shop.registration': // V 1.2.4.k if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_SH_CREATE_ACCOUNT']; break; case 'shop.view_images': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_MORE_IMAGES']; if ($sefConfig->shVMInsertCategories && !empty($category_id)) { $title = array_merge( $title, vm_sef_get_category_array( $database, $category_id, $option, $shLangName )); } if (isset($category_id)) // V 1.2.4.m shRemoveFromGETVarsList('category_id'); if (!empty($product_id)) { $title[] = vmSefGetProductName( $product_id, $option, $shLangName, $shLangIso);// V 1.2.4.s } if (isset($product_id)) // V 1.2.4.r shRemoveFromGETVarsList('product_id'); if (!empty($image_id)) if ($image_id == 'product') { $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_SH_PRODUCT_IMAGE']; } else { $q = "SELECT file_id, file_title FROM #__vm_product_files"; // then try to add its name as well $q .= "\n WHERE file_id = '%s'"; $database->setQuery( sprintf( $q, $image_id ) ); if (!shTranslateUrl($option, $shLangName)) // V 1.2.4.m $row = $database->loadObject( false); else $row = $database->loadObject( ); if (!empty($row)) { $title[] = $row->file_id.$sefConfig->replacement.$row->file_title; } } if (isset($image_id)) // V 1.2.4.r shRemoveFromGETVarsList('image_id'); // V 1.2.4.m : now can be switched on/off if (!empty($flypage) && $sefConfig->shVmInsertFlypage) { $title[] = empty($sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_DETAILS_'.$flypage]) ? $flypage : $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_PRODUCT_DETAILS_'.$flypage]; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('flypage'); } else if (isset($flypage)) shRemoveFromGETVarsList('flypage'); if (count($title) == 0) $dosef = false; break; case 'shop.parameter_search' : if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_SH_PARAM_SEARCH']; if (count($title) == 0) $dosef = false; break; case 'checkout.index': // note: this is not currently used, as VM 1.0.10 misses some calls to shSefRelToAbs() if (!$sefConfig->shForceNonSefIfHttps) { if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; $ssl_redirect = isset($ssl_redirect) ? @$ssl_redirect : null; if ($ssl_redirect) { // let's add ssl just after shopname so that we can block it through robots.txt if we want $title[] = 'ssl'; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('ssl_redirect'); } $cartReset = isset($cartReset) ? @$cartReset : null; // need to preserve cartReset param, used when if ($cartReset) { // switching to SSL w/ shared certificate $title[] = 'cartReset'.$sefConfig->replacement.$cartReset; shRemoveFromGETVarsList('cartReset'); } if (empty($sefConfig->shAppendRemainingGETVars)) { // if martID is not passed as a regular parameter, we need to encode it in the sef URL $martID = isset($martID) ? @$martID : null; if ($martID) { // 1.2.4.j need to preserve martID when switching to shared SSL $title[] = 'martID'.$sefConfig->replacement.$martID; } } // if shAppendRemainingGETVars is true, then no need to encode martID in sef URL, it will be passed as an additional param if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_CHECKOUT_TITLE']; if ((!empty($checkout_this_step)) || (!empty($ship_to_info_id)) || (!empty($shipping_rate_id)) || (!empty($payment_method_id)) || (!empty($first_payment_method_id)) || (!empty($payment_method_id)) || (!empty($checkout_next_step))) $dosef=false; } else $dosef = false; break; case 'checkout.confirm': case 'checkout.customer_info': case 'checkout.dandomain_cc_form': case 'checkout.dandomain_result': case 'checkout.danhost_cc_form': case 'checkout.danhost_result': case 'checkout.freepay_cc_form': case 'checkout.freepay_result': case 'checkout.login_form': case 'checkout.paymentradio': case 'checkout.result': case 'checkout.thankyou': case 'checkout.wannafind_cc_form': case 'checkout.wannafind_result': case 'checkout_bar': case 'checkout_register_form': $dosef = false; // V x 28/08/2007 21:13:46 does not work with Paypal break; case 'account.index': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_TITLE']; break; case 'account.billing': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_ACC_ACCOUNT_INFO']; // V 1.2.4.f april 4, 2007 if (!empty($next_page)) { $title[] = $next_page; } if (isset($next_page)) // V 1.2.4.r shRemoveFromGETVarsList('next_page'); break; case 'account.shipping': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_ACC_SHIP_INFO']; break; //Nultz Address Addition case 'account.shipto': if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = "shipping-address-maintenance"; break; //End of Nultz Address Addition case 'account.order_details': $order_id = isset($order_id) ? @$order_id : null; if ($sefConfig->shVmInsertShopName) $title[] = $shShopName; if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; $title[] = $sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_VIEW'].$sefConfig->replacement .$sh_LANG[$shLangIso]['_PHPSHOP_ORDER_ITEM'] .($order_id ? $sefConfig->replacement.'id'.strval($order_id):''); if (isset($order_id)) // V 1.2.4.r shRemoveFromGETVarsList('order_id'); break; case '': // this is main menu link, let's fetch menu title case 'shop.index': $title[] = getMenuTitle($option, (isset($task) ? @$task : null), $Itemid, '', $shLangName ); if ($shVmCChk) $title[] = 'vmchk'; // process filter hack $shFilterType = isset($shFilterType) ? @$shFilterType : null; $shFilterValue = isset($shFilterValue) ? @$shFilterValue : null; switch ($shFilterType) { case '': break; case 'minStock': $title[] = 'dispo'; if (!empty( $shFilterValue)) { $title[] = $shFilterValue; } shRemoveFromGETVarsList( 'shFilterType'); shRemoveFromGETVarsList( 'shFilterValue'); break; } if (count($title) == 0) $dosef = false; break; default: $dosef = false; break; } // special hack for poor menu module $TreeId = isset($TreeId) ? $TreeId : null; if (!empty($TreeId)) { $title[] = $TreeId; shRemoveFromGETVarsList( 'TreeId'); } // ------------------ standard plugin finalize function - don't change --------------------------- if ($dosef){ $string = shFinalizePlugin( $string, $title, $shAppendString, $shItemidString, (isset($limit) ? @$limit : null), (isset($limitstart) ? @$limitstart : null), (isset($shLangName) ? @$shLangName : null)); } // ------------------ standard plugin finalize function - don't change ---------------------------